272 pages, Kindle Edition
First published April 15, 2022
5/5 Stars
I picked up Ask for Andrea mostly due to its amazing cover without even reading the synopsis. I had seen the book discussed a few times on Instagram and every review had been positive. So after reading the book myself here is what I found:
Noelle W. Ihli gives a fresh breath of air to the thriller/ horror genre, and I really like what the author did here. I found myself liking each one of the three women in the book, and their POVs were very engaging and kept me interested. I felt sad with them, felt their anger towards their murderer, and their empathy for the killer's family. And once an author achieves this mixture of feelings in me, the book is automatically a huge success.
I actually read this book in just two days, which is pretty fast for me. I was hooked until the very last page. I can see why this book is so highly rated and wish I had picked it up sooner.