301 pages, Kindle Edition
First published October 1, 1987
4/5 Stars

Water Baby is one of those gems that most of us horror readers probably have never heard of. What drew me to read it initially was the amazing cover art of a skeletal mermaid holding a baby. First, let me tell you that there are no mermaids in this book and no merbabies either. Instead, we get the story of Brooke and how she handles the tragic death of her sister, brother-in-law, and niece. With her is her other niece Kelly, who miraculously survived the boating accident. But soon Brooke feels as if something is wrong with her small niece.
I love a good horror story that takes place in and near the ocean. There's something chilling about the open sea and all the mysteries it holds. With this book, I was
definitely not disappointed in that aspect, and there is lots of watery action and death for everyone.