352 pages
Expected publication August 22, 2023
2/5 Stars

Over the past few years, I've become a big fan of Catriona Ward's work. All of her books are beautifully written and packed with twists and turns I never see coming. Of course, as a horror lover, I adore this, and I was hyped to read Looking Glass Sound.
The novel starts a bit slow, and I wasn't sure if it was for me. But then, in Ward's fashion, the book picked up, and I truly enjoyed it... for a while. I have to add that the writing was beautiful as usual, but I do think that it felt chaotic as well. The book wasn't flowing for me, and the transitions often didn't work. Toward the end, there were way too many twists to keep track of, and I felt lost. I also lost interest, to be honest, since I knew nothing would be as it seemed anymore. It's hard to care for characters if you don't know what's going on in a book. A book within a book usually works quite well, but it has to be done within reason.
Overall, it would have been a decent read but overdone in the twist department.